

TEB e. V. Selbsthilfe
Federal and state office
Tumors and diseases of the pancreas
Karlstr. 42
D 71638 Ludwigsburg

Register of Associations: VR 1906
Registration court: Amtsgericht Ludwigsburg

Represented by:
Katharina Stang, 1. Vorsitzende
Birgitt Meyer, 2. Vorsitzende
Elisabeth Frech, Kassiererin
Klaus Bibow, Beisitzer
Herbert Hölsch, Beisitzer


Phone: +49 7141 956 36 36
Telefax: +49 7141 956 36 37

Person responsible for editorial

Katharina Stang
TEB e. V. Selbsthilfe
Bundes- und Landesgeschäftsstelle
Karlstr. 42
D 71638 Ludwigsburg

Opening hours:

Monday to thursday from 09:00 am to 03:00 pm
Friday from 09:00 am to 12:00 am


Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 12:00 am
13:00 pm to 15:30 pm
Friday 09:00 am to 12:00 am

Phone: 07141 - 956 36 36
Fax: 07141 - 956 36 37

For consultation please make an appointment.



Design and programming

Himbeerrot GmbH

TEB e. V. Selbsthilfe
Tumors and diseases of the pancreas

Katharina Stang

Foundation: February 2006 by Katharina Stang

The self-help TEB e. V. is led by Ms. Katharina Stang, who is herself affected and has more than 6 years of experience in the field of self-help organisations for pancreatic patients. In addition to the wide range of information that can be obtained today from the Internet and other sources, she has recognised that personal contact is extremely important in order to weight this information and to guarantee the necessary practical experience.

The self-help organisation TEB e. V. is supported by the health insurance funds.

Donations are always welcome.

Contact us!

Is our phone busy all the time? Simply send us a message, even outside of our business hours!

We're looking forward to your message!

Please calculate 9 plus 8.

The creation of the new homepage was supported by a project grant from the DAK Bundesebene according to
§ 20h SGB V.