Pancreatic Cancer:
little known - little heeded
Dear Visitor,
Diseases of the pancreas and especially pancreatic cancer are amongst the worst known illnesses of our age. Affected persons and their relatives require time, humane help and support. But they are also searching for expert help, which will help them to understand and come to terms with the illness.
The information should therefore be correct and objective. It should help the affected people to master everyday life and show them ways to access competent help. We want to provide all of that with this homepage.
Even if the diagnosis is shattering there are still treatments and therapies today which can help to lengthen life considerably and to preserve life quality.
All the more important is our motto: RECOGNISING – TREATING - RESEARCHING
If we succeed in making more headway here, then pancreatic cancer will lose its horror.
You are not alone! | Imagevideo from TEB e.V.
The diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is a shock for those affected and their relatives. Everything’s changed and life has suddenly completely gone off the rails. Helpless and abandoned your thoughts and emotions take a roller coaster ride. The Self-help group TEB e. V. is there when you need it – stopping your fall, listening, advising, accompanying and supporting. The affected person is at the centre of our work, his or her fears, concerns and needs are important to us. We know that nothing can take the place of the spoken word, gestures or sympathy. We are here if and when you need us!
TEB e. V.

We thank the health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse for sponsoring and supporting this film according to § 20h SGB V. Any claims for benefits against the Techniker Krankenkasse cannot be derived from this. TEB e. V. is responsible for the contents of this publication.
The Pancreas
The pancreas lies horizontally in the abdomen behind the stomach. Neighbouring organs are the duodenum, gall bladder, liver, spleen and stomach. The pancreas measures 15 – 20 cm and weighs 70 – 90 grams and is therefore the largest gland in the human body. If we look at it properly, it is actually 2 glands, one of which produces digestive enzymes and the other insulin. We differentiate between exocrine and endocrine glands.
The exocrine glands release the active ingredient on a surface. That can be the skin or the surface of an inner organ. The exocrine glands pervade the head and the body of the pancreas. The exocrine pancreas produces digestive enzymes. It is the most important gland in the digestive system. It produces various digestive enzymes with the help of which carbohydrates, proteins and fats are broken down. Important examples of three enzymes are trypsinogen, alpha-amylase and lipase.
Endocrine glands release their secretion directly into the blood, which then transports it to the appropriate destinations. They are mostly situated in the tail of the pancreas. The most important task of the endocrine pancreatic gland is the production of insulin. Insulin is an essential hormone, which regulates the absorption of glucose from the blood to the cells of the body. Carbohydrates in food are broken down to glucose, which serves all body cells as an energy supplier.
The Pancreas is two things at the same time: an exocrine and an endocrine gland Illnesses of the pancreas can lead to a loss of performance to the extent of a complete failure of insulin flow and to a disruption of enzyme production, depending on which part of the pancreas is affected. Operations on the pancreas can also lead to a corresponding disruption of performance.
Nowadays it is possible to supply the body with digestive enzymes and insulin. There are sufficient different enzyme supplements and insulin on the market.