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New: pilot project – advice in English
We are now able to offer advice per Skype – in English – every Friday 10:00 – 11:00.
An increasing amount of affected persons from other countries are contacting us and looking for advice. That’s why many of our articles on specialist topics have been translated into English and placed on this homepage The brochures “Chemotherapy” and the “TEB Compass” have also been translated into English and are available free of charge.
People from Canada, Dubai, Switzerland, Austria, USA and Turkey have already been in touch with us to ask for our opinion and advice. And as a result we now have members in countries all over the world. There are two main reasons for this development: one is that our work is becoming increasingly well-known throughout the world due to our participation in work-groups with other international self-help groups and the second is that the illness itself is also increasing in other countries. World Pancreas Cancer Day is also attracting media attention and so we, as co-founder of this event are receiving some media attention.
In order to be able to start this project we require a colleague who speaks perfect English – and, as you can imagine, this costs money. However, our search for funding was an immediate success. The “Alte Apotheke Feuerbach” gave us a donation with which we are able to employ someone up to August 2019 and start up this project. We also applied for funding from the Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung (newspaper) which supports different projects with its “Helferherz” donations.
We’re looking forward to helping as many non-German speaking affected persons as possible, with our pilot project.
Katharina Stang
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Skype with us!
Skype-Adresse: TEB-Selbsthilfe
Note: In order to be able to use this service, Skype must already be set up and activated for the participants. If you want to set up Skype, you can do so easily and quickly free of charge at www.skype.com.
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